World Leading Manufacturer of Fountains and Display Aerators

Havasu Waterfall Series Curve

Havasu Waterfall Series Curve

Havasu Waterfall Pump System

This 0.5 HP to 2.0 HP product line is built using Fusion pumps designed to produce nice flow (up to 520 gallons per minute maximum) with head* up to 17’.

*Head is a combination of height & piping loss.

Waterfall Pump Systems

Aqua Control® Waterfall Pump Systems use the same reliable submersible pump technology that we have used for display aerators and fountains for years. Aqua Control Waterfall Pump Systems can be built with your choice of mount for use in wet wells, on solid pads, on pond bottoms, or even in the popular pondless design. Waterfall Pump Systems come standard with quick disconnect and a control panel. Flexible discharge hose, and check valve are also available.

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