Custom Fountains
Make your lake or pond one-of-a-kind. Compose your masterpiece and impress your friends. Amazing personnel with Aqua Control® are eagerly waiting to assist you. You imagine it, we build it.

Tailor-Made Fountains
Unlimited Possibilities
When that inner artist comes out of you, Aqua Control® is there.
Ready to take your concept to the next level.
You have a vision?
Our brilliant staff have years of experience and innovated problem solving skills. Whether you need a repair, reconstruction, revitalization, or a brand new idea you can count on us to see it through.
You imagine it we build it.
Specially Made
A Perfect Fit
What kind of custom fountains does Aqua Control® create?
There are so many possibilities. There really is no limitation. If you have an idea you don’t see anywhere we can help you make it happen.
There are many available options to combine as well. We can place a custom design in your bowl or basin. We can place a custom display in your pond or lake. We can even make your fountain dance.
You imagine it we build it.

Personalized Bowl or Basin
Fountains or Display Aerators
Any of Aqua Control’s® patterns are capable in a bowl or basin.
A Fusion twisting in your basin is always attractive or if you’d prefer a mighty Titan in your large basin, Aqua Control® has what you need, but it doesn’t stop there.
We can take a little of this and little of that to combine, change and even create a completely custom display for your bowl or basin.
Let your creative flag fly.
You imagine it we build it.

Water Walls
Fountains or Display Aerators
Crafted to perfection.
The amazing personnel with Aqua Control® are eagerly waiting to assist you and help to make your dream a reality. Here to help you make the best decisions while creating your vision in your lake or pond.
You Can Produce Any Color!
Aqua Control’s® LED lighting is breathtaking

Dancing Fountians
You imagine it, we build it
Let’s make your lake or pond one-of-a-kind
Compose your masterpiece and impress your friends.
Crafted to perfection.
The amazing personnel with Aqua Control® are eagerly waiting to assist you. Here to make your dream a reality. Here to help you make the best decisions while creating your vision in your lake or pond.
Let your creative flag fly.
Tailor-Made Fountains
Unlimited Possibilities
When that inner artist comes out of you,
Aqua Control® is there.
You have a vision?
Ready to take your concept to the next level.
Our brilliant staff have years of experience and innovative problem solving skills. Whether you need a repair, reconstruction, revitalization, or a brand new idea you can count on us to see it through.
Specially Made
What kind of custom fountains does Aqua Control® create?
There are so many possibilities. There really is no limitation. If you have an idea, you don’t see anywhere, we can help you make it happen. There are many available options to combine as well.
We Can Place a Custom Design in Your Bowl or Basin.
We Can Place a Custom Display in Your Pond or Lake.
We Can Even Make Your Fountain Dance.
A Perfect Fit
You imagine it we build it.